School of Chemical Science and Technology
Add:No.2 North Cuihu Road, Kunming, P. R. China
Jing-Hua YANG
Master Advisor
Office: Chemistry Building 323
Tel.: 86-(0)871-65033715
Address: School of Chemical Science and Technology, Yunnan University, 2 North Cuihu Road, Kunming650091, P.R.China
Brief Introduction
Professor, Yunnan University (2006- present)
International Research Scholar, Ohio State, USA (2007)
Associate Professor, Yunnan University, China, (1999-2006)
Teaching Assistant, Yunnan University, China, (1996-1999)
Ph.D., Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (2001-2005)
M.S., Organic Chemistry, Yunnan University, China (1993-1996)
B.S., Yunnan University, China (1989-1993)
Research Interests
Organic Chemistry, Natural Medicinal Chemistry.
Natural products have had an immense influence on science and been a precious resource for drug discovery and lead identification. 75% of all Food and Drug Administration-approved small molecules are either natural compounds or derivatives therefrom. Organic chemistry, and its unique ability to tailor natural products provides an extraordinary approach to unlock the full potential of natural products. The powerful tools in the fields of modern analytical chemistry, chemical biology, and molecular biology can help obtain a more comprehensive view of the bioactivity of Natural products. My recent research interest is to combine the fields of the most advanced natural products chemistry and organic chemistry as well as cutting-edge life science technologies to discover and design bioactive natural products and their analogs as drug candidates. Major research interests include structures, bioactivities and drug discovery from medicinal plants growing in Yunnan province, with emphasis on alkaloids and terpenoids.
Foundation and Projects
National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 21262040) (2013-2016), responsible
National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 20862018) (2009- 2011), responsible
National Key Technology R&D Program (sub-project), (2006-2009), responsible
Project of Candidates of the Young and Middle Aged Academic Leaders of Yunnan Province (2007PY01-23) (2007-2012), responsible
National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 21462048) (2015- 2018), participant
National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 21162038) (2011- 2015), participant
Joint key project of Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department and Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department (No. 2008CA012-9) (2009-2011), participant
Science Foundation of Guizhou Institute of Tabacco Science (2013- 2016), participant
Science Foundation of Yunnan University (Grant No. 2009B10Q) (2009-2011), responsible
Science Foundation of Yunnan Province (Grant No. 97B001Q) (1997-1999), responsible
Foundation of the Young-Middle-Aged Backbone Teachers of Yunnan University (2006-2009), responsible
Representative Publications
[1] Jing-Hua Yang*, Zi-Yan Li, Yun-Song Wang, Liang Li. Diterpenoid alkaloids from Aconitum episcopale, Phytochemistry, 1999, 50(2), 345-348.
[2] Jing-Hua Yang, Liang. Li, Yun-song Wang, Huang Rong, Jing-Feng Zhao, Shi-De Luo. Two new aporphine alkaloids from Litsea glutinosa. Helv Chim Acta. 2005, 88, 2523– 2526.
[3] Jing-Hua Yang, Shi-De Luo, Jing-Feng Zhao, Yun-song Wang, Rong Huang, Hong-Bin Zhang, Liang Li. Three new highly oxygenated diterpenoids from Excoecaria cochinchinensis. Helv Chim Acta. 2005,88, 968-972.
[4] Jing-Hua Yang, Shi-De Luo, Yun-Song Wang, Jing-Feng Zhao, Hong-Bin Zhang, Liang Li. New triterpenoids from Tripterygium wilfordii. J. Asian. Nat. Prod. Res. 2006, 8(5): 425-429.
[5] Jing-Hua Yang, Yun-Song Wang, Rong Huang, Shi-De Luo, Hong-Bin Zhang, Liang Li. New Polyoxygenated Triterpenoids from Stachyurus himalaicus var.himalaicus. Helv Chim Acta. 2006, 89, 2830- 2835.
[6] Yun-Song Wang, Jing-Hua Yang*, Shi-De Luo, Hong-Bin Zhang, Liang Li. New Cytotoxic Steroid from Stachyurus himalaicus var. himalaicus.Molecules, 2007, 12, 536-542.
[7] Yun-Song Wang, Rong Huang, Liang Li, Hong-Bin Zhang, Jing-Hua Yang*. O-terpenoidal coumarins from Clausena anisum-olens. Biochem.Sys. Ecol. 2008, 36(10), 801-803.
[8] Yun-Song Wang, Hong-Yi Xu, Da-Xiang Wang, Jing-Hua Yang*. A New O-terpenoidal coumarin from Clausena anisum-olens Merr.Molecules, 2009,14 (2):771-6 .
[9] Yun-Song Wang, Rong Huang, Hao Lu, Feng-Ya Li, Jing-Hua Yang*. A New 2′-Oxygenated Flavone Glycoside from Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C. B. Rob. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 2010, 74(3), 652-654.
[10] Yun-Song Wang, Rong Huang, Ning-Zhong Li, Jing-Hua Yang*. Coumarins from Clausena anisum-olens Merr. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem.2010,74 (7), 1483-1484.
[11] Yun-Song Wang, Rong Huang, Ning-Zhong Li, Hong-Yi Xu, Jing-Hua Yang*. Triterpenes from Stachyurus himalaicus var. himalaicusHook. f. et Thoms. ex Benth. Molecules 2010, 15, 2096-2102.
[12] Yun-Song Wang, Rong Huang, Jing-Hua Yang*. Chemical constituents of Litsea szemaois. Chem. Nat. Comp. 2011, 47 (1), 122-123.
[13] Yun-Song Wang, Zhen Liao, Yan Li, Rong Huang, Hong-Bing Zhang, Jing-Hua Yang*. A new megastigmane diglycoside from Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C. B. Rob. J Brail Chem Soc. 2011, 22(11), 2234-2238.
[14] Jing-Hua Yang, Hao Lu, Rong Huang, Yun-Song Wang. Flavonoids from leaves and twigs of Stachyurus himalaicus var. himalaicus.Chem. Nat. Comp. 2011, 47 (1), 112-113.
[15] Yun-Song Wang, Zhen Liao, Hong-Kun Zhu, Xiao-Fei Feng, Kun-Ming-Jiang, Rong Huang, Na Zhu, Jing-Hua Yang*. Megastigane O-glucopynanosides from Litsea glutinosa. Chem. Nat. Comp. 2012,48(2), 346-3492.
[16] Yun-Song Wang, Feng-Ya Li, Rong Huang, Yan Li, Xiao-Fei Feng, Jing-Hua Yang*. Chemical Constituents from Pteris multifida Poir.Chem. Nat. Comp. 2013, 49 (3), 539-541.
[17] Yun-Song Wang, Hao Lu, Rong Huang, Jing-Hua Yang, Hong-Bin Zhang. Total Synthesis of Clausenain B. 14th Tetrahedron Symposium,Vienna, 2013, 06.25-28.
[18] Wen-Bin Shang, Jing-Hua Yang, Rong Huang, Hong-Bin Zhang, Yun-Song Wang*. Synthesis of Pyrano[3,2-a]carbazole Alkaloids. 14th Tetrahedron Symposium,Vienna, 2013,06.25-28.
[19] Yun-Song Wang, Rong Huang, Yan Li, Wen-Bin Shang, Fei Chen, Hong-Bin Zhang, Jing-Hua Yang*. Panamonon A and B, a pair of novel tetrahydrobenzofuran derivatives from Litsea panamonja (Nees) Hook. f. Phytochemistry Letters, 2013, 6, 26-30.
[20] Yun-Song Wang, Zheng-Qi Wen, Bi-Tao Li, Hong-Bin Zhang, Jing-Hua Yang*. Ethnobotany, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of the genus Litsea: An update. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016, 181:66-107.
[1] Liang Li, Jing-Hua Yang. Stereoselective synthesis method of Ursodeoxycholic acid, China Patent, ZL 98105020.4, 2003.02.12
Awards & Honors
Prize for Progress in Science and Technology of Yunnan Province (2014 and 2004)
the Young and middle-aged academic technology leaders in Yunnan Province (2012)
Yunnan provincial Teaching Achievement Award for 1st prize (2009)
Yunnan University Teaching Achievement Award for 1st prize (2011 and 2008)
Excellent Academic Advisor of Yunnan University (2010)
1st prize for Multimedia Education Software Excellence Award, Yunnan Province (2010)
1st prize in The Experimental Teaching Competition, Yunnan University (2009)
Wu Daguan Educational Foundation Excellent Faculty Award (2007)
National Great Course (2007)
The Young-Middle-Aged Backbone Teachers of Yunnan University (2006 )
Appointments & Positions
Review expert of China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA)
Review expert of Yunnan Provincial Food and Drug Administration
Member of Yunnan Provincial Food Quality and Safety Association
Expert for emergency management of Yunnan Provincial Food and Drug Administration